
In computer science, „news“ often refers to a type of content or information that is reported and disseminated through various digital platforms. This can encompass various forms such as articles, updates, and announcements regarding current events, technological advancements, and other relevant topics. In the context of information systems, news can be categorized as data that is periodically updated and can be retrieved, displayed, or communicated via news feeds, websites, and apps.

Additionally, in computer networks and online communities, „news“ might refer to the use of Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP), which is a standard application protocol for the distribution, collection, and display of news articles in newsgroups. In a broader context, many organizations utilize news gathering and reporting systems for real-time updates and information sharing across different domains, including web development, software updates, and digital communications. Thus, the term „news“ captures the essence of timely updates and information sharing within the realm of computer science and technology.